Why can't I access volunteer-related tools?

Last updated Jul 19, 2024, 9:04 PM
Applies to CommunityVolunteers
NOTE FOR STUDENTS TRYING TO SIGN INTO SLACK: You are likely seeing this error because you clicked "Sign in with Google", and do not have a CodeDay Google account. Please go back and click "Enter Email and Password" instead of Sign in with Google.
For security reasons, some internal websites and applications require that you're signed in with a CodeDay account with the "Volunteer" and/or "Senior Volunteer" roles. To gain these roles, you'll need to click a link or enter a code provided to you by your CodeDay contact.
Additionally, some tools which allow access to personally identifying information are only provided on an as-needed basis, and may require additional roles or access to our corporate VPN. Volunteers who need access to this information should ask their CodeDay contact. Be aware this will require signing an non-disclosure and security agreement.