How do I find a team if I don't have one already?
Last updated Dec 1, 2020, 2:47 PM
Applies to Virtual CodeDayStudents
Virtual CodeDay takes place on Discord, so the first step is to join us there, and link your CodeDay account (follow the instructions in #link-account).
In Discord, you'll see a channel called #team-building -- this is the best place to find someone to work with, but to have the best chances, do both of these things:
- First, make a post that describes you. Mhat sort of apps or games are you interested in making? Do you already have any ideas? What are the ways you want to contribute to a team? (Coding? Art? Music? Writing?) The more information you include in your post, the better your chances are!
- Second, look through previous posts, and message anyone you might want to work with. This is super important, because if no one messages each other, no one will ever find a team!
Finally, remember that you don't need to find a team to participate in Virtual CodeDay, you're welcome to work on your own!