
At CodeDay, student programmers and artists build cool apps & games. No experience is needed, and you can join alone or with friends.
[Students] were welcomed with open arms, provided with mentors, taught basic coding skills, and began to see themselves as capable of being part of this "world."
Summer Prather-Smith, Director Monterey County Office of Education
At CodeDay, students pitch ideas for apps or games, then work in teams to create their projects over a weekend. At the end, students present to judges.
Most students register with little-to-no interest in Computer Science, but 70% of these students continue coding for months after the event, 65% register for a CS class, and 48% pursue a CS major in college.
CodeDay events are run by our staff who complete our extensive Code Evangelist® training: the most in-depth training for helping students succeed workshops and mentoring.
The cost of CodeDay is only $7 per student, and free tickets are available for low-income areas.


  • Participants must be between 12-25 years old, and a current student.
  • Middle school students must be picked up between 8-10pm, and can return between 7-9am on Sunday.
  • No experience is necessary!
CodeDay is a creative event which appeals to students from all backgrounds. In addition to CS students, we particularly encourage:
  • Art students who are interested in game art or app design.
  • Music students interested in scoring games.
  • Acting students interested in voice-acting game characters.
  • Writers interested in writing plots for games.
We strongly encourage teachers from non-CS fields to promote to your students. We will help them get started.

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Where can students sleep?

How are projects judged?

Can parents attend CodeDay?

Should we bring anything to CodeDay?

Are desktop computers allowed at CodeDay?

Is there a waiver or other paperwork required to attend?

Our school has students sign a release form for field trips. Can we bring that instead of your form?

Will my students be safe at CodeDay?

Are you able to accomodate students with severe food allergies?

One of our students won an award at CodeDay. Can we get a copy to display at school?

Do new students really have a chance of winning an award at CodeDay?

What prizes can I win at CodeDay?

What awards can students win at CodeDay?

What is CodeCup?

I'd like to speak to someone on the phone about CodeDay. How can I reach you?

When does CodeDay start?

When are the CodeDay presentations? Can I watch?

Will you provide school buses or other transportation for our students?

May elementary school students attend CodeDay?

May middle school students attend CodeDay?

Can students attend CodeDay with only a tablet or phone?

What will students be able to eat at CodeDay?