The Hows and Whys of Getting a PhD
Talk Description: This talk will be in roughly two parts. The first is why someone would want a PhD: what career paths does it open up? Why is it different from a Bachelor's or Master's? What are the pros and cons of graduate school? The second is how someone can set themselves up for a PhD: how can you prepare, during undergraduate or while working, for a PhD? What do PhD programs look for in a candidate? Once in a program, how can you do "well"? Hopefully, if someone is considering pursuing a PhD, this talk will help answer some questions, or at least introduce a new possible path for others!
Speaker Bio: Vivian is a second year PhD Student at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. She does research with the Future Interfaces Group, advised by Dr. Chris Harrison. Her background is in sensors, computer vision, and conservation. Recently, she has been working on haptics projects, which have been featured in venues such as Popular Science, TechCrunch, and more! In her free time you can find her taking photos and playing way too much ultimate frisbee.