In-Person Events in 78 Cities Worldwide
Total CodeDay Alumni
High School Students Started Pursuing Tech Because of CodeDay
College Students Became Open Source Software Contributors
Hours Spent Solving Meaningful Problems
CodeDay gets beginners excited about coding with simultaneous weekend events in cities around the world.
(Nothing planned nearby? Organize a CodeDay!)
Event planned this season.
CodeDay Labs
A virtual internship-style program at scale. 1 industry mentor + 3 talented students + 1 open-source software project.
1 mentor + 3 students + 1 project
Recognized by...

With support from...

More than 70,000 students have created amazing projects at CodeDay events.

In-person events in 78 cities + worldwide online programs.

Great event - super inspiring for my daughter. She's now into coding, which was the goal.
Liz Foreman
CodeDay Dayton Parent
Hear from more students and volunteers:
CodeDay offsets more than 100% of CO₂ emissions produced by our events and operations using carbon sequestration technology. Learn more.